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Liberal Party NEC Meeting...
Forum: General Discussion - News and Views
Last Post: ReadingLib
07-24-2024, 07:32 PM
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Liberal Party NEC Stateme...
Forum: NEC Press Releases
Last Post: ReadingLib
07-23-2024, 06:57 PM
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Liberal Party NEC Stateme...
Forum: NEC Press Releases
Last Post: ReadingLib
07-20-2024, 10:15 AM
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Liberal Party NEC Stateme...
Forum: NEC Press Releases
Last Post: ReadingLib
07-20-2024, 10:14 AM
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The Liberal Party Respond...
Forum: NEC Press Releases
Last Post: ReadingLib
07-17-2024, 07:31 PM
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Liberal Party Emergency N...
Forum: NEC Press Releases
Last Post: ReadingLib
07-14-2024, 06:22 PM
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Liberal Leaders open lett...
Forum: NEC Press Releases
Last Post: ReadingLib
07-13-2024, 05:47 PM
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A Liberal Response to the...
Forum: NEC Press Releases
Last Post: ReadingLib
07-03-2024, 02:02 PM
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Liberal Party Election St...
Forum: NEC Press Releases
Last Post: ReadingLib
07-02-2024, 08:43 AM
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Liberal Party Election Ma...
Forum: NEC Press Releases
Last Post: ReadingLib
07-02-2024, 08:30 AM
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» Views: 100

  Liberal Party NEC Meeting on Zoom - 2pm till 6pm Saturday 17th August 2024
Posted by: ReadingLib - 07-24-2024, 07:32 PM - Forum: General Discussion - News and Views - No Replies

Following the intervention of the general election, the next Liberal Party NEC will be held via Zoom on the 17th August between 2pm and 6pm.

The meeting is open to all, and an agenda will be available shortly.

A Zoom invite can be obtained from the secretary of the NEC, or another member of the NEC.

We look forward to hearing or seeing you on the Zoom call.

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  Liberal Party NEC Statement – The UK National Debt Reaches £2.8 Trillion
Posted by: ReadingLib - 07-23-2024, 06:57 PM - Forum: NEC Press Releases - No Replies

The Liberal Party notes with grave concern the latest figures from the Office for National Statistic(ONS) revealing that the UK’s Govt debt has now reach 99.5% of GDP, totalling £2.8 trillion.

This debt pile now comes with an estimated cost in interest payments of £89 billion in the next financial year whilst the govt continues to run a fiscal deficit expect to be a near identical £87 billion per the Office of Budget Responsibility.

The party believes that this trajectory is unsustainable and believe that major structural changes are required to promote growth coupled with reform of the tax regime, tax rebates, and exemptions.

We believe better support for small businesses and SME must play a key part to promote economic activity thus creating jobs and prosperity to guide the country to a more secure financial future without further cuts to public spending.

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  Liberal Party NEC Statement – The Call for an Immediate Ceasefire in Gaza
Posted by: ReadingLib - 07-20-2024, 10:15 AM - Forum: NEC Press Releases - No Replies

The Liberal Party welcomes the call for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, made by the foreign secretary David Lammy on his recent visit to Israel.

Whilst Israel has every right to respond to the brutal Hamas attack of the 7th October to defend its boarders and citizens, the protracted campaign has long exhausted any justification on the grounds of self- defence.

After 9 months of bitter and increasingly indiscriminate bombing and shelling, the population of Gaza has been reduced to a state of destitution, hunger and despair, with its medical facilities and civilian infrastructure all but broken.

The Liberal Party again calls for an internationally broken ceasefire, a resumption of humanitarian aid and a release of hostage, actions which are long overdue in stopping the spiral of violence.

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  Liberal Party NEC Statement – Mandatory Housing Targets for the United Kingdom
Posted by: ReadingLib - 07-20-2024, 10:14 AM - Forum: NEC Press Releases - No Replies

The Liberal Party notes the inclusion of changes to the UK planning process included in this week’s Kings Speech, which are intended to address a national housing shortage of approximately one and half million properties.

Whilst we welcome plans to better utilise brown field sites, and limited adjustments to the green belt, we believe that mandating building targets risks encouraging an over concentration of building in area’s lacking the capacity to absorb new residents.

Mandating housing targets without ensuring section 106 developers’ contributions are collected and used effectively means housing is built without the funding for local services such as schools and surgeries.

We believe that building targets should reflect the needs of communities, the sustainability of developments, and their impact on the environment.

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  The Liberal Party Responds to the Water Regulators Proposals on Future Water Bills
Posted by: ReadingLib - 07-17-2024, 07:31 PM - Forum: NEC Press Releases - No Replies

The Liberal Party notes with concern the proposed rises to domestic water bills being advocated by the water regulator OFWAT to fund long overdue environmental improvements.

The regulator is recommending an average increase in bills of £94 over five years, although there are regional differences with Southern Water proposing a £183 and Thames Water a £99 increase over this timeframe(The Independent 11th July).

The party believes that in a country still suffering from the effects of a cost-of-living crisis, such increases are entirely unsustainable, and investment must come from the companies themselves as in any other business.

A privatised industry which has paid out £70 billion in dividends, whilst incurring crippling debts of £60 billion should have been prioritising investment in its network and securing water resources as part of its normal business activities.

The Liberal Party re-iterates its pledge to bring back the nations water companies into public ownership for the benefit of the country and environment and not directing dividend payouts to foreign owners and investors.

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  Liberal Party Emergency NEC Statement – Attempted Assassination of Former President T
Posted by: ReadingLib - 07-14-2024, 06:22 PM - Forum: NEC Press Releases - No Replies

The Liberal Party views the assassination attempt on former US President Donald Trump with horror and revulsion.

The party condemns any form of political violence, which has no place in any democratic system of government or society.

Whilst the motives of the attack remain unclear it has been a reminder of the volatile political climate and the need for moderation and engagement with others of all political believes and inclinations.

The Liberal Party wishes President Trump, and the other victims of the shooting a speedy and full recovery after their trauma.

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  Liberal Leaders open letter supporting Chancellor’s aspirations to support SME
Posted by: ReadingLib - 07-13-2024, 05:47 PM - Forum: NEC Press Releases - No Replies

Dear Rachael Reeves,
Firstly, congratulations on your appointment as Chancellor of the Exchequer and we must welcome you on your aspirations for growth.
Small businesses, social enterprises and charities can all play a part in this.
May we ask you consider taking 3 simple steps to assist this sector

1.      Raise the VAT threshold to 150k to enable businesses get established before being faced with disproportion burdens of tax administration

2.     Withdraw the imposition on small business to opt into workplace pensions where their employees are already of state pension age

3.     Review the way small businesses are dealt with in Employment tribunals and bring in a equality of evidence rather than presumption of guilt on the small businesses. Employment law should be less about procedural deadlines but the substance of what was reasonable for an employer to determine.

Cllr Steve Radford,
Leader of The Liberal Party

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  A Liberal Response to the Campaign Against Antisemitism General Election Pledge
Posted by: ReadingLib - 07-03-2024, 02:02 PM - Forum: NEC Press Releases - No Replies

Following an e-mail from the Campaign Against Antisemitism, asking all candidates for the general election to sign up to the International (IHRA) Definition of Antisemitism, our party leader has responded as following:

“We are totally committed against any prejudice hate crime against our Jewish community.
That does not inhibit us making criticisms of the policies of the State of Israel.

 During recent debates we fear the current definitions have closed down not unreasonable critical comments against the state of Israel’s current policies.

 We are committed to free speech of all sides in debate including those we  disagree or even find offensive. We will not sign any pledge undermining free speech”.

Cllr Steve Radford, leader of The Liberal Party

Promoted by Stephen Graham on behalf of the Liberal Party, 12 Dayworth Mews, Lundy Lane, Reading, RG30 2RR.

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  Liberal Party Election Statement - Invitation to Husting Events
Posted by: ReadingLib - 07-02-2024, 08:43 AM - Forum: NEC Press Releases - No Replies

We understand Liberal candidates in Lincoln and East Renfrewshire have found themselves unjustly excluded from hustings. A Liberal candidate in Cornwall was allegedly not allowed onto the stage to sit with the 4 main party candidates and had to sit on the front row of the audience.

ALL candidates matter and deserve to be heard.

Promoted by Stephen Graham on behalf of the Liberal Party, 12 Dayworth Mews, Lundy Lane, Reading, RG30 2RR.

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  Liberal Party Election Manifesto Statement - Saving the Environment
Posted by: ReadingLib - 07-02-2024, 08:30 AM - Forum: NEC Press Releases - No Replies

New estates and buildings being built should have to include solar panels where viable as part of the planning process.

Greater rigour should be placed to prevent natural flood plains being built on and better utilisation of brown field sites.

We would look to short term, zero carbon nuclear schemes to cover the green energy transition but remain committed to the long-term phasing out of the use of our current nuclear technology  and support the continued research and development of nuclear fusion.

The privatisation of water companies has been a disaster with profits being sent abroad and our rivers being polluted.

We need to divert more traffic on our rail networks, but often local connections are missing many communities.

A strong devolution package with emphasis on rural communities should provide investment into local networks.

We need a major push on public education on the need for recycling.

Promoted by Stephen Graham on behalf of the Liberal Party, 12 Dayworth Mews, Lundy Lane, Reading, RG30 2RR.

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