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Liberal Party NEC Meeting...
Forum: General Discussion - News and Views
Last Post: ReadingLib
07-24-2024, 07:32 PM
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Liberal Party NEC Stateme...
Forum: NEC Press Releases
Last Post: ReadingLib
07-23-2024, 06:57 PM
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Liberal Party NEC Stateme...
Forum: NEC Press Releases
Last Post: ReadingLib
07-20-2024, 10:15 AM
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Liberal Party NEC Stateme...
Forum: NEC Press Releases
Last Post: ReadingLib
07-20-2024, 10:14 AM
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The Liberal Party Respond...
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07-17-2024, 07:31 PM
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Liberal Party Emergency N...
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07-14-2024, 06:22 PM
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Liberal Leaders open lett...
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07-13-2024, 05:47 PM
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A Liberal Response to the...
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07-03-2024, 02:02 PM
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Liberal Party Election St...
Forum: NEC Press Releases
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07-02-2024, 08:43 AM
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Liberal Party Election Ma...
Forum: NEC Press Releases
Last Post: ReadingLib
07-02-2024, 08:30 AM
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  Let’s feed Liverpool - Liberal Support for Liverpool Foodbank
Posted by: ReadingLib - 03-17-2024, 06:20 PM - Forum: Local Association Press Releases - No Replies

An address from Alan Tormey, Wavertree resident and Liberal Community campaigner.
“I have joined forces with a local foodbank,  LIVERPOOL FOODBANK + CIC
Firstly, I would like to thank and congratulate the team at Liverpool Foodbank for the work they do to support communities across Liverpool.
We know the cost-of-living crisis is worsening and is being felt hardest by those families already experiencing poverty and struggling to meet the rising cost of food and utilities. I have joined the team to help make sure no-one goes hungry in our city”
Alan Tormey
Merseyside Liberal Association Member
Wavertree, Liverpool

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  Liberal Party Response to the Spring Budget Statement
Posted by: ReadingLib - 03-07-2024, 08:15 PM - Forum: NEC Press Releases - No Replies

Another disappointing budget from yet another lacklustre Tory Government.

The Liberal Party welcomes the 2p reduction in National Insurance; however, would also like to have seen the tax threshold increase to least 15K in order to not only make work pay but also take more lower paid earners out of paying income tax. Furthermore, the party believes the VAT threshold should have increased to at least 150,000 in order to have had any real meaningful impact on SME’s.

In addition, given the growing levels of disparity between those at the top 1% versus the rest, the party would have equalised Income Tax with Capitals Gains/Dividends Tax and slapped a 50% rate of Income Tax on anyone earning over and above £150,000.

Finally, given the budget constraints that local councils are facing and the inevitable bankruptcy, the party would have reformed Council Tax and Business Rates and would have replaced it with a Land Value Tax and also enabled local councils to raise taxation at 100% (including fees and charges) without any caps from Westminster.

Kayed Al-Haddad 
(Party Treasurer and Economic Spokesperson) 

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  Liberal Party NEC Statement – The Gaza Conflict after 5 Months
Posted by: ReadingLib - 03-07-2024, 08:14 PM - Forum: NEC Press Releases - No Replies

The Liberal Party notes with deep sadness the conclusion of the 5th month of the ongoing Gaza conflict and a continued failure to bring the regional violence to an end.

Whilst the Israel state has the right to protect itself, its on-going response to the Hamas attack of the 7th October has shown no boundaries and goes beyond self-defence or protection of its population.

The Palastinina inhabitants of Gaza now face acute hunger with much of the public health infrastructure and hospitals damaged beyond use and a punitive blockade preventing humanitarian aid reaching the besieged population.

The party believes that the absence of an Israeli delegation at the current Cairo negotiation to implement a ceasefire and exchange of hostages is inexcusable and shows an unwillingness to end the conflict.

The international community must act to ensure Israel meets its international obligations to protect  civilians and prevents a humanitarian disaster which will only fuel the perpetual cycle of violence, empowering terrorist groups such as Humza, rather than isolating them.

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  Merseyside Liberal Party Association – Party Leader meetsLiverpool Somaliland Commun
Posted by: ReadingLib - 02-25-2024, 07:48 PM - Forum: Local Association Press Releases - No Replies

On Friday morning party leader Cllr Steve Radford met leading members of the Liverpool Somaliland Community.  

Many of their community came tie Liverpool with service in the British merchant navy when their country was a British protectorate
We are supporting their campaign for recognition of Somaliland and it being welcomed into the Commonwealth.

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  Liberal Party NEC Statement - The Ongoing Conflict in Gaza
Posted by: ReadingLib - 02-20-2024, 07:35 PM - Forum: NEC Press Releases - No Replies

The Liberal Party observes with increasing concern the impending Israeli military assault on the city of Rafah in southern Gaza and the increasing desperate plight of the Palestinian population.
After four months of hostilities in Gaza, triggered by the deplorable Hamas attack of the 7th October, the Israeli counter offensive has been reduced the civilian infrastructure including hospitals, to a state of collapse and the civilian population to the verge of starvation.
As the focus of Israeli action has switched from the north to the south of Gaza increasing numbers of Palestinian civilians have found themselves driven before the fighting with over half of Gaza’s 2.3 million inhabitants driven into the area in and around Rafah.
The Liberal Party believes a cessation of hostilities leading to a permanent ceasefire, exchange of hostage and prisoners and a resumption of humanitarian aid must be an international priority.
Both Israel and the Palestinians have the right to self-determination and security within their own states which is not advanced nor secured by the continued brutal campaign in Gaza.

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  Liberal Party NEC Announcement on the Role of Deputy Party Leader during the General
Posted by: ReadingLib - 02-11-2024, 06:24 PM - Forum: NEC Press Releases - No Replies

Following the meeting of The Liberal Party NEC on Saturday 3rd February 2024, it was agreed to appoint a deputy leader in anticipation of an autumn general election.

Following a vote of the NEC, party Defence Spokesperson, Allan Steele, was appointed to the role.

It is anticipated the role will be to handle media requests in a timely manner, increase our media profile and our presence in Scotland.

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  Liberal Party Leadership Election Result 3rd of February 2024
Posted by: ReadingLib - 02-04-2024, 06:22 PM - Forum: NEC Press Releases - No Replies

Following an open NEC meeting of the Liberal Party on Saturday the 3rd February in Leeds we are pleased to announce the results of the party leadership contest.

I therefore confirm the election of Cllr Steve Radford as party leader for the next 2 years.
Many thanks to Kayed Al-Haddad for standing in this contest.

A thank you to Cllr Charles Shaw and Christopher Ecclestone for arranging the ballot and Allan Steele and David Mahar for acting as independent scrutineers on the day.

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  Merseyside Liberal Party Association – Party Leader Attends Liverpool Holocaust Comme
Posted by: ReadingLib - 01-28-2024, 04:50 PM - Forum: Local Association Press Releases - No Replies

Merseyside Liberal Party Association – Party Leader Attends Liverpool Holocaust Commemoration
On Friday 26th January Liberal Party leader Cllr Steve Radford attended the memorial service for the Holocaust at Liverpool Town Hall.
The presentations from school pupils from both Alsop and Belvedere were highly professional and moving.
It was good to see so many friends from different communities, our colleague Peter Mitchell, representatives of the cities Jewish, Polish ,Hindu and Islamic communities and Garth Dallas Commonwealth Association.
On Tuesday Cllr Radford will be meeting representatives from our Somali community.
Last week he held meetings with our Sri Lankan and Kerala Communities seeking to use extended facilities in Newsham Park for cricket and a community festival.

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  Merseyside Liberal Association Members Contribute to City Homelessness Debate
Posted by: ReadingLib - 01-23-2024, 07:49 PM - Forum: Local Association Press Releases - No Replies

Liverpool City Council held a debate on homelessness in the city on Wednesday the 17th of  January.

The Liberal Party amendment put forward during the debate was agreed by all parties. It called for an assertive campaign, including threat of use of Compulsory Purchase Powers be used to bring the current 3721 long term vacant homes in the city back into use.

Liberal group leader Cllr Steve Radford demanded to know why the council isn’t doing more to CPO empty properties in the city and bring them back into use? The leader of the green group on LCC agreed and said there are 3 sites in his ward which could be used in this way.

The Liberal Party has adopted a policy of increased council tax payments on empty properties to encourage more of the 261,189 long-term empty properties in England to become homes again.

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  Liberal Party NEC Statement – Chancellor Jeremy Hunt Tax Cuts for Growth Proposal
Posted by: ReadingLib - 01-22-2024, 08:05 PM - Forum: NEC Press Releases - No Replies

The Liberal Party notes Chancellor Jeremy Hunts hints at tax cuts in the spring budget as a spur to greater economic growth.

We believe that the chancellor’s priority should be to lift the income tax threshold to £20k (phased in 15K, 17.5K, 20K) taking at least five million out of the tax benefits trap, reduce benefits proportionally thus reducing the administrative burden of both tax and benefits.

We also believe there needs to be reform to reduce not just the tax burden on people and businesses but also the administration burden of the overly complex tax benefits system.

We also propose raising the VAT thresholds to help the self-employed and small businesses

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