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Liberal Party NEC Meeting...
Forum: General Discussion - News and Views
Last Post: ReadingLib
07-24-2024, 07:32 PM
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Liberal Party NEC Stateme...
Forum: NEC Press Releases
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07-23-2024, 06:57 PM
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Liberal Party NEC Stateme...
Forum: NEC Press Releases
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07-20-2024, 10:15 AM
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Liberal Party NEC Stateme...
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07-20-2024, 10:14 AM
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A Liberal Response to the...
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07-03-2024, 02:02 PM
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Liberal Party Election St...
Forum: NEC Press Releases
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07-02-2024, 08:43 AM
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Liberal Party Election Ma...
Forum: NEC Press Releases
Last Post: ReadingLib
07-02-2024, 08:30 AM
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  Liberal Party Election Manifesto Statement Open Government
Posted by: ReadingLib - 07-01-2024, 10:42 AM - Forum: NEC Press Releases - No Replies

We support the abolition of the House of Lords and its replacement with a more streamline senate elected by the regions and nations of the UK, including representation for Crown Dependencies and British Overseas Territories.

Both the HIV blood and the sub post masters scandals show the utter failure of government to look after ordinary people and treat them with contempt. We support a duty of candour legislation.

We need the Information Commissioner’s procedures to become more accessible.

Promoted by Stephen Graham on behalf of the Liberal Party, 12 Dayworth Mews, Lundy Lane, Reading, RG30 2RR.

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  Liberal Party Election Manifesto Statement - Women’s Rights
Posted by: ReadingLib - 06-29-2024, 10:43 AM - Forum: NEC Press Releases - No Replies

We support the WASPI women in their claim for compensation for the adjustment to the state pension age which has left many financially disadvantaged.

We support the Amendment of the EA2010 to  clarify that "sex" means biological sex and excluding biological males from women’s sports, prisons, shelters, rape centres and all women single sex safe spaces.

We oppose self ID for the purpose of gender recognition and therefore we will maintain Section 35 to stop the Gender Recognition Reform Bill from entering into force in Scotland.

Promoted by Stephen Graham on behalf of the Liberal Party, 12 Dayworth Mews, Lundy Lane, Reading, RG30 2RR.

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  Liberal Party Election Manifesto Statement - Education for All
Posted by: ReadingLib - 06-27-2024, 07:11 PM - Forum: NEC Press Releases - No Replies

Our education system needs greater devolution to communities able to dovetail training and skills to local community needs.

Training boards should be established for each industry to increase skills for industry and commerce.

The Ofsted system needs to be replaced with a fairer system.

For example, communities with a strong tourist sector should be able to grow the skills their communities need. Uniformity is the danger to social and economic growth.

Promoted by Stephen Graham on behalf of the Liberal Party, 12 Dayworth Mews, Lundy Lane, Reading, RG30 2RR.

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  Liberal Party Election Manifesto Statement - Housing for All
Posted by: ReadingLib - 06-26-2024, 07:16 PM - Forum: NEC Press Releases - No Replies

With soaring mortgage and rental costs, plus a national housing shortage, many young people are unable to lay the foundations of their own family life.

We need a major push to increase social housing especially in rural communities to ensure we have stable and economically viable communities.

Excess charges to leaseholders should be controlled.

Section 21 no fault evictions should be stemmed and sitting tenants given protection.

Promoted by Stephen Graham on behalf of the Liberal Party, 12 Dayworth Mews, Lundy Lane, Reading, RG30 2RR.

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  Liberal Party Election Manifesto Statement - Grow the Economy
Posted by: ReadingLib - 06-25-2024, 06:59 PM - Forum: NEC Press Releases - No Replies

The UK has vast inequality in wealth, health and economic opportunity.

Rather than saddle students with frightening levels of debt, we should get rid of many of the exemptions for wealth tax and use the wealth of one generation to invest in the human capital of the next.

We have unacceptable high levels of people of working age claiming unemployment and sickness benefit. We need to encourage more people into work and study. By raising the tax threshold to £20,000, we would take millions of low paid out of the tax benefits trap. This would encourage more people into work and grow the economy.

We need more people with low skills levels to earn and study. Trapping people on benefits is to trap them into poverty.

We need to simplify the tax benefits schemes so people can take control of their lives.

Promoted by Stephen Graham on behalf of the Liberal Party, 12 Dayworth Mews, Lundy Lane, Reading, RG30 2RR.

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  Merseyside Liberal Party Association to contest 2 by-elections
Posted by: ReadingLib - 06-19-2024, 07:50 PM - Forum: Local Association Press Releases - No Replies

On the 4th of July Liberal member Alan Tormey will be contesting the by-election in Broad Green Ward of Liverpool City council. Alan Oscoft will be contesting the Clubmoor East Ward on the same date. 

A promotional video is available to view on the front page of the Liberal Party website.

Promoted by Stephen Graham on behalf of the Liberal Party, 12 Dayworth Mews, Lundy Lane, Reading, RG30 2RR.

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  The Liberal Party General Election Manifesto
Posted by: ReadingLib - 06-18-2024, 07:53 PM - Forum: NEC Press Releases - No Replies

                                                                  Stronger Communities - Opportunities for All

The general election manifesto is now available to access from the front page of the party website.

There are links to our election campaign video

                                                       Liberal Party Promotion Video – Campaign for Change

                                                             Presented by Liberal Party Leader Cllr Steve Radford

Promoted by Stephen Graham on behalf of the Liberal Party, 12 Dayworth Mews, Lundy Lane, Reading, RG30 2RR.

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  The Liberal Party Announces its Candidates for the 2024 General Election
Posted by: ReadingLib - 06-07-2024, 07:36 PM - Forum: NEC Press Releases - No Replies

A big thank you to all those candidates who have stepped forward to represent The Liberal Party on the 4th July, and their supporters and benefactors.
The party will be contests the following 12 seats.

Allan Steele - East Renfrewshire


St. Ives and The Isles of Scilly:      Paul Nicholson

Camborne and Redruth:                Cllr. Paul Holmes

St. Austell and Newquay               Jay Latham

Truro and Falmouth                      Peter White


Lincoln Borough Constituency     Cllr Charles Shaw


Cllr Steve Radford West Derby

Cllr Billy Lake Walton

Alan Tormey Garston

Sean Weaver Riverside


Dany Clark Runcorn and Helsby


Cllr Christopher Twells South Cotswolds

Promoted by Stephen Graham on behalf of the Liberal Party, 12 Dayworth Mews, Lundy Lane, Reading, RG30 2RR.

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  Liberal Party Leader Responds to the Calling of the General Election
Posted by: ReadingLib - 06-03-2024, 07:56 PM - Forum: NEC Press Releases - No Replies

Speaking to the Liverpool Echo Liberal Party leader Cllr Steve Radford said of the Prime Minster decision

“He’s jumped before he was pushed and guillotined by his own party. We will be fielding candidates in areas of strength like Merseyside and Cornwall, with new members in Scotland.

“The country is broken, there’s never been a decade where things are worse than at the start of a government. Continuing with the same policies won’t change anything with Keir Starmer, it will add to the disillusionment.”

The Liberal Party will publish a full list of parliamentary candidates after the close of nominations on Friday the 7th of June.

Promoted by Stephen Graham on behalf of the Liberal Party, 12 Dayworth Mews, Lundy Lane, Reading, RG30 2RR.

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  Liberal Aprty General election Statement Regional Candidates Update
Posted by: ReadingLib - 06-01-2024, 11:53 AM - Forum: General Discussion - News and Views - No Replies

The nominating window for the general  election opens on Tuesday 4th June. The Liberal Party is currently looking at 2 candidates in the Glasgow area of Scotland, 5 in the NW, 1 in  Lincolnshire, 1 in the Cotswolds, and 4 in the Cornish peninsula with another on the south coast still to declare their intensions

Please reach out to local candidates to offer assistance where possible.

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