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Liberal Party NEC Statement – A Public Inquiry into Child Sexual Exploitation in Engl
The Liberal Party notes with disappointment the decision of the government to decline to hold a public enquiry into child sexual exploitation in Greater Manchester and to instead pass the responsibility back to Oldham Council to conduct their own inquiry.

The Jay enquiry into sexual abuse in Rotherham covered similar ground but largely seems to have been ignored or glossed over in the 27 months since its publication and recommendations made in the report have yet to be fully implemented.

The Jay report specifically identified ‘predominantly men of Pakistani heritage’ being involved in such activity.

The Liberal Party would support a root and branch judge led statutory enquiry in England (which gives the power to compel witnesses) into the whole issue titled:

Child Sexual Exploitation from 1997 to Date

Including within its remit would be the response of:

Crown Prosecution Service(CPS)
Social Services
The courts - family and criminal.
Other child focussed bodies - schools and the NSPCC

The full enquiry would potentially take years but an interim report to be published within 18 months into the current situation with interim recommendations, would not be unachievable

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