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NEC Statement - 60th anniversary of the occupation of the West Bank.
The Liberal Party wishes to acknowledge the 60th anniversary of the occupation of the West Bank.
The culmination of the Israeli states expansion and consolidation has not been followed by any meaningful act of reconciliation or concession to being magnanimous in victory.
A fully democratic state, Israel has constantly denied the Palestinians the right to self-determination and statehood and instead condemned them to decades of subjugation and dependency. The Gaza strip has seen an economic blockade of unprecedented severity which has imposed levels of unimaginable poverty and depravation.
The weight of political opinion suggests the Israeli state has all but abandoned a two state solution to concentrate on the de facto absorption of Jerusalem and the West bank without any clear statement of how its Palestinian population will be accommodated.
The Liberal Party re-iterates its call for the British Government to actively and urgently promote Palestine's entry into the United Nations as a full member and to propose that an invitation to join the Commonwealth be extended to Palestine immediately.

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