03-19-2017, 01:33 PM
The Liberal Party notes with alarm the rise in costs and incidents of environmental crime and clearing sites of fly tipping.
In England in 2015 it was estimated the cost of claearing fly-tipping was £50 m to local councils.
The Liberal Party wishes to support calls by the LGA to increase penalities for fly tipping.
Furthermore we call upon RIPA legislation to be varied to allow Local Councils to monitor hot spots for environmental crime whereby communities and local councillors nominate sites needing monitoring and the local authority publish those sites on the internet and ward Councillors advised.
That notice must give the justification for monitoring 4 weeks prior to surveilance and allowing any interested parties to appeal against it.
In England in 2015 it was estimated the cost of claearing fly-tipping was £50 m to local councils.
The Liberal Party wishes to support calls by the LGA to increase penalities for fly tipping.
Furthermore we call upon RIPA legislation to be varied to allow Local Councils to monitor hot spots for environmental crime whereby communities and local councillors nominate sites needing monitoring and the local authority publish those sites on the internet and ward Councillors advised.
That notice must give the justification for monitoring 4 weeks prior to surveilance and allowing any interested parties to appeal against it.