10-30-2016, 11:23 AM
Stone de Croze states:
 There is still no real solution to the problem of how we dispose of nuclear waste, and this is a price which may be paid very heavily by future generations.
This is incorrect. There is a reliable way of disposing of our nuclear waste - it can be used in a Linear Accelerator Reactor.  That would also provide us with a reactor that could use low grade material such as Thorium, which we have a plentiful supply of in the UK, rather than relying on imports of high grade uranium.
However, the LA Reactor model does not fit well with the commercial model of nuclear energy with massive investment funded by high interest loans on which banks can make massive profits.  We were leading the world in LA Reactor research until the Thatcher government stopped it as not providing required economic benefits.
 There is still no real solution to the problem of how we dispose of nuclear waste, and this is a price which may be paid very heavily by future generations.
This is incorrect. There is a reliable way of disposing of our nuclear waste - it can be used in a Linear Accelerator Reactor.  That would also provide us with a reactor that could use low grade material such as Thorium, which we have a plentiful supply of in the UK, rather than relying on imports of high grade uranium.
However, the LA Reactor model does not fit well with the commercial model of nuclear energy with massive investment funded by high interest loans on which banks can make massive profits.  We were leading the world in LA Reactor research until the Thatcher government stopped it as not providing required economic benefits.