12-23-2015, 08:14 PM
The Liberal party notes the media coverage of the closure of the UKs last deep coal mine at Kellingley Colliery, in North Yorkshire.
Once the corner stone of the emerging industrial revolution, Britain's once flourishing coal industry has been systematically run down over recent decades. This has regrettably often been with little regard to the fate of local communities and livelihoods.
Although open cast mining remains active in this country, King coal has been overwhelmed by a combination of cheaper foreign imports, the phenomenon of shale gas, as well as environmental concerns over fossil fuels contribution to rising CO2 levels.
It is arguable that even when an industry is in terminal decline, such as the coal industry, politicians have a duty to minimise the damage and facilitate a managed withdrawal whatever their views on the industries merits.
Workers and their families need to know that even if one industry closes, livelihoods and communities will continue to be supported as far as is feasibly possible.
Once the corner stone of the emerging industrial revolution, Britain's once flourishing coal industry has been systematically run down over recent decades. This has regrettably often been with little regard to the fate of local communities and livelihoods.
Although open cast mining remains active in this country, King coal has been overwhelmed by a combination of cheaper foreign imports, the phenomenon of shale gas, as well as environmental concerns over fossil fuels contribution to rising CO2 levels.
It is arguable that even when an industry is in terminal decline, such as the coal industry, politicians have a duty to minimise the damage and facilitate a managed withdrawal whatever their views on the industries merits.
Workers and their families need to know that even if one industry closes, livelihoods and communities will continue to be supported as far as is feasibly possible.