(Junior Member)

Registration Date: 09-17-2016
Date of Birth: Hidden
Local Time: 01-20-2025 at 03:11 PM
Status: Offline

RadicalLIB's Forum Info
Joined: 09-17-2016
Last Visit: 06-13-2019, 09:48 AM
Total Posts: 9 (0 posts per day | 1.36 percent of total posts)
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Time Spent Online: 2 Hours, 9 Minutes
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RadicalLIB's Contact Details
Email: Send RadicalLIB an email.
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Skype ID: lookmanauthor
Additional Info About RadicalLIB
Location: West Sussex
Bio: I was an active young Liberal during the late 1960's and 1970's and served on the Dorking constituency committee for many years as Press Officer for Mole Valley Liberal Association. I was elected the second youngest District and Parish Councillor from a cold start campaign. That is when David Alton was elected the youngest MP.

I became disillusioned when career politicians were flown in as PPC's. I would like to return to many of the values that made the Liberals a successful Political Party.

I am appalled by the Labour Parties spin and lies about its origins. Charles Bradlaugh MP was clear about the Labour Party. It was founded by millionaires and for a time he held the line against desertion of Liberal values. Ever since The Labour Party has increasingly been anti democratic, decisive and drifting to the right. Today Democracy created in the Enlightenment is in danger from political corruption and self serving politicians. Liberalism always held the moral high ground in releasing ordinary people's talents by offering opportunities in a more equitable society.

I am a member of the Oddfellows and an aspiring Author, Award-winning Screenwriter and Producer.
Sex: Undisclosed