Liberal Party NEC Statement – Polio Vaccination Initiative in London - Printable Version

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Liberal Party NEC Statement – Polio Vaccination Initiative in London - ReadingLib - 08-16-2022

The Liberal Party welcomes news of a major Polio vaccination campaign in London, prompted by the discovery of the Polio virus is sewage samples in the capital.

Even before the disruption caused by the COVID pandemic, vaccination rates in the country, and in particular London have been allowed to fall below the critical levels need to contain infectious disease such as Polio and Measles
Vaccination acts as the first line of defence again infectious disease in our communities and where there is hesitancy towards vaccination, we believe education and engagements allows for better informed choices and a better uptake.

The ongoing Covid vaccination program has again proven the ability of the NHS and local health providers to deliver successful and targeted vaccination campaigns and we support more community health inititives promoted by local councillors, GPs and health professionals.