Full Version: Liberal Party NEC Statement - The rise of Influencers and Young People’s Mental Healt
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The Liberal Party, with growing concern, notes the rise of social media influencers such as the Tate Brothers and their negative impact on young men as well as the growing concern in wider society of the mental health of all but in this instance of our young people.

Many social media influencers create a false impression of their lives and the potential lives their follows could lead through a variety of different techniques. Often the lies or misperceptions caused by social media influencers causes many to try to obtain or reach unobtainable standards. Often the failure to reach these standards despite following the advice of the influencers causes a long-term negative impact on mental health and reinforces negative thinking. In the case of the Tate brothers, their influence is similar to those of gangster rappers, using the exposure of their lavish lifestyles to encourage people to join their Hustlers University, monetising misguided and impressionable young people and the struggles they face.
Both Andrew and Tristan Tate have millions of followers across social media with their influence consequently influencing large swathes of people from all backgrounds. Counter extremism workers have commented on the rapid rise of schools referring cases based on the concern over the Tate’s brothers influence. A rise of overtly misogynist behaviour has also been noted with this being attributed to social media influencers as a whole. The Chief Executive of Rape Crisis also named Andrew Tate individually as spreading a dangerous ideology.

On 20th June 2023, the Tate brothers both were charged with rape and human trafficking offenses, as well as operating a criminal gang according to newspaper sources, meaning they will face trial for these allegations. The Liberal Party believes it is unsuitable to have people facing such charges as the main source of influence on young people. However, the Liberal Party does not believe such people should be censored or de-platformed instead, believing that promoting positive messages and role models is the best way forward.