Full Version: Liberal Party NEC Statement - UK Tank Armaments to Ukraine
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The Liberal Party continues to condemn Russian aggression against Ukraine and its people. We fully support the efforts of the international community to strengthen Ukraine in its resolve to stand up to the unlawful use of force by Russia.
We believe that the UK has a part to play in assisting Ukraine in its time of greatest need, both in terms of caring for displaced people and in offering assistance to the Ukrainian armed forces.
We believe that the use of nuclear weapons is wrong and can rarely, if ever, be justified owing to their disproportionate effect and the unnecessary suffering they cause.
We do however note that there is a significant difference between the use of nuclear warheads and depleted Uranium in armour piercing rounds. We condemn Russian attempts to deliberately spread misinformation, but we call upon the British Government to act with due caution and not provide Russia with further fuel to continue the spread.