Full Version: Liberal Party Statement on he political and military situation in the Ukraine
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The Liberal party notes the conclusion on the 7th Dec of the video conference between US President Biden and Russian President Putin, and discussion’s on the ongoing military escalation in the eastern Ukraine.

The low intensity skirmishing, and aggression being orchestrated by Russia in its dispute over control of the Crimea and Donbas region threatens to destabilise both the Ukraine and the wider region.

Large scale Russian troop build-up’s, reported to be in the region of 90000 troops, represent an unwise act of intimidation and brinkmanship. Any uncontrolled escalation or conflict in the region could very quickly encourage other regimes from Belarus to Iran and even China to embark on similar paths of aggression with unpredictable results.

The Liberal Party calls upon all sides to de-escalate and participate in talks under the guidance of international mediation, be it the UN or another body, to resolve the 7 years dispute in eastern Ukraine recognising both Ukraine territorial sovereignty and Russian regional security concerns over NATO’s eastern expansion.