Full Version: Liberal Party NEC Statement - Assistance for family finances during the viral pandemi
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The Liberal Party notes the continued media attention on the issue of financial support for families affected by the current viral pandemic and its economic fallout.

The vulnerability of the low paid, those on zero hours contracts or universal credit to any protracted crisis has been in the public arene for some time as has the perilous state on many family’s finances more than a decade after the financial crisis.

The need for many workers and their families is prompt intervention and although we welcome the governments announcements on aid these need to be translated into action in a very short timeframe.

The party therefore believes more immediate results would be achieved by a council tax holiday, or a one-off tax rebate, coupled with a pensions or benefits bonus and would provide a targeted boost to depleted family finances.

In the aftermath of the current crisis the Liberal Party calls for better protection for workers’ rights, access to statutory sick pay, unemployment benefit and reasonable time off for domestic and health issues.