Full Version: Letter to the Guardian - The Liberal Party at the 2019 General Election
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To offer voters a party which respects the LEAVE vote and wants a socially just UK the Liberal Party has 19 Parliamentary
Candidates standing for election from Liverpool West Derby to Bridgewater and West Somerset, from the City of Lincoln
to the Cities of Westminster and London, from Cornwall to Calder Valley.

It is an old principle of Liberalism that governments should 'put trust in the people'. The 2016 European Referendum
result and how we go about leaving the EU is plainly one of the principle issues in this General Election.

The party wishes to put a clear emphasis on negotiated compromise and the relationship with the EU that will evolve.

It is time Government moved beyond Brexit and tackled the real issues like working people living in poverty, break
down in communities   leasehold reform, steps to save the environment, reform of the House of Lords to an elected
Senate, help for small businesses and community charities.
Let us as Liberals focus on issues of social justice, strengthening small businesses, strengthening local and public
services, fighting crime by community policing and proactive youth services and addressing wealth inequality.
This is in line with our party constitution which plainly states the Liberal Party exists to build a Liberal Society
in which every citizen shall possess liberty, property and security, and none shall be enslaved by poverty, ignorance
or conformity. Its chief care is for the rights and opportunities of the individual and in all spheres, it sets freedom first.
Stephen Graham
Elections Nominating Officer for The Liberal Party

Promoted by Stephen Graham on behalf of the Liberal Party,
12 Dayworth Mews, Lundy Lane, Reading, RG30 2RR