Full Version: NEC Statement on EU Referendum outcome
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The result of last week’s EU Referendum has now delivered a vote in favour of the United Kingdom leaving the EU.
The Liberal party, which has supported a No vote, believes that activation of Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty is now dependent on the creation of an effective UK negotiation team.

Talks can then begin with are European counterparts on the process of disengaging from the EU framework within a 2 year timeframe.

Such negotiations should remain throughout managed and unhurried to provide for an amicable disengagement. There is no place for discrimination against the UK for taking the lead in ending our relationship with mainland Europe.

This is a view endorsed by the Foreign Minister for Germany, acknowledging the mutual benefit’s coming from an amicable separation.

The Liberal Party now calls for a constructive and realistic debate on Britain’s way forward, outside of the mainstream European community and the development of an enlightened and re-energised economy.

The UK should respect those EU citizens living and working here and we should make clear that there continued participation in the UK economy is welcomed.

The European community may now wish to proceed towards a final destination which encompasses a federal Europe, bound to a ridge Euro currency zone and unbalanced fiscal policy without a popular mandate from the European wide electorate.

The Liberal Party would welcome discussions with other EU countries with significant concerns over the current EU framework and who wish to pursues a more flexible arrangement for all concerned.

The democratic mandate given by the British people to their elected peers to commence dis-engagement from the European community cannot be ignored or reversed on moral or practical grounds.